Sunday 22 March 2020


चलिए कागज़ पर कुछ अल्फ़ाज़ लिखते हैं
धरती जो कर रही आराम उस पर साज़ लिखते हैं,
आश्चर्य में पड़ गया विज्ञान,
प्रकृति ने किया वो संग्राम,

आदमी आदमी की मौत का हो रहा कारक है,
घोर कलियुग का ये आग़ाज़ दिखता है,
प्रकृति के प्रक्षालन का ये संयोग सच्चा है,
दूरियां बढ़ने का योग अच्छा है,

देख लो मोबाइल टीवी या अखबार,
प्रवचन का लगा है अम्बार,
हाथ धोएं, किसी को न छुएं, बुखार ना होये,
ख़ुद की बनाई जेल में गुम होये,

जीवन मे नहीं बस सिनेमा, मॉल और पार्टी हॉल,
फुर्सत भरे दिन रात मिलते कहाँ है हाल फिलहाल ,
बच्चों को घर के काम का आनंद सिखलाये,
Playstation और iPad को दूर हटाएं,

क्यूं ना आज अपने शौक फरमाएं,
परिवार में किस्से कहानियों की चौपाल बैठाएं,
अब मौका मिला है तो फायदा उठायें,
कुछ लम्हें अपनों के साथ बिताएं |

Saturday 21 March 2020

Book Review: The New Rules of Business

Book Name - The New Rules of Business
Author - Rajesh Srivastava
Publication year - 2019
Pages - 326

This book is penned by Rajesh Srivastava who is an IIT and IIM alumnus. The bio of the author is indeed impressive, he has a lot of feathers on his cap. All the knowledge and experience that he has put into the book is amazing. He is an accomplished manager and brand creator.

The book has a very rich content, with each chapter being a different and a new rule of being successful in your business. Each chapter has a guideline presented interestingly, along with real examples and stories. It's not just one story but multiple stories together. Though I am not from a business background, and have received no formal education in business, this book caught my interest. I could think from a consumer perspective and relate to the stories of the businesses. I stand at the other end of the business-consumer flow, but found it all to be captivating. As a customer I never knew how much research and efforts were put in the background to sell a product to me. Moreover, the newer ways of winning customers written in this book are worth knowing and relatable to me now.

The sixteen rules of business are apt and interesting. It helped me dive deeply into what the businesses we admire did to reach where they are. The world is evolving, the customers are changing and hence, to grow a business stale rules may not work. This book gives us a wonderful insight into those rules and ideas.

I am not sure what they teach in MBA programmes worldwide, but definitely can bet that this book sums up such courses practically. This was the first book of its kind that I ever read, but definitely looking forward read more from the author.

I rate this book 4 on 5 and recommend for those who are serious about building and growing their business, and are willing to adapt fresher ways to build it well.

Thanks to Shweta from Glad U Came for sending this book for review. 

(PS: the reviews expressed here are based on my personal reading experience, and do not intend to defame, derate or 
degrade the sale or vice-versa for the book.)

If you are an author and want your book to be reviewed, drop an email at