Monday 30 November 2015


मैंने लोगो को कहते सुना है, हाथों में चूड़ियाँ पहन लो | इसका अर्थ है कि आपमें साहस कि कमी है और चूडि़यां पहनने वाले हाथ कमजोर है | किन्तु मैं इससे सहमत नहीं | एक भिन्न दृष्टिकोण से चूड़ियों पर उल्लेख-

बजती हैं माँ कि चूड़ियाँ,
रसोई में मेरे लिए स्वादिष्ट भोजन पकाने के लिए,
मंदिर की घंटी बजा कर मेरे लिए दुआ का हाथ उठाने के लिए |

बजती है माँ कि चूड़ियाँ,
मुझे थपकी दे कर सुलाने के लिए,
मुझ पर आशीष बरसाने के लिए |

बजती रहे ममता भरी ये चूड़ियाँ ||

बजती है बहन कि चूड़ियाँ,
मुझे सता कर अपने पीछे दौड़ाने के लिए,
मुझ से मीठी नोक-झोंक में कमर पर हाथ रख धौंस जमाने के लिए |

बजती है बहन कि चूड़ियाँ,
मेरे माथे पर चंदन का टीका लगाने के लिए,
मेरे हाथों में राखी सजाने के लिए |

बजती रहे शरारत भरी ये चूड़ियाँ ||

बजती है पत्नी कि चूड़ियाँ,
प्रतीक्षारत हाथो से दरवाज़ा खोलने के लिए,
मुझे आलिंगनबद्ध कर मनुहार जताने के लिए |

बजती है पत्नी कि चूड़ियाँ,
मेरी पसंद के पकवान बनाने के लिए,
मेरे घर आँगन को सँवारने के लिए |

बजती रहे प्रेम भरी ये चूड़ियाँ ||

बजती है बेटी कि चूड़ियाँ,
मेरे घर को अपनी किलकारियों से सजाने के लिए,
नन्हे हाथों से गुड्डे गुड़ियों संग खेलने के लिए |

बजती है बेटी कि चूड़ियाँ,
ससुराल जाते हुए छुप कर आँसू पोंछेने के लिए,
दौड़ते हुए मेरे सीने से लग जाने के लिए |

बजती रहे मासूमियत भरी ये चूड़ियाँ ||

Saturday 28 November 2015

"Don't live the same day 75 times and call it a life."
-Robin Sharma

Book Review: The God of Small Things

Puzzled to see another book review so soon!? Well, a book review always doesn't mean that I have FINISHED the book and that too so quickly. It may even mean that I have given up further reading, but as a ritual I am penning down my views.

I found out this Bestseller and  1997's "Booker Prize" winner book at the start of this month on Goodreads here. With a whooping 7343 reviews and 151237 ratings, this occurred to me as something I can invest upon. I ordered it then, and after eagerly waiting for long (including Diwali vacations), I received it a few days back.

I don't know much about the author- Arundhati Roy, but upon reading some of this book I presume she is a great scholar in English literature. If these many people have read and reviewed the book on the planet, there is no second thought for it to be called a masterpiece.

But for me, I could not bear with the flooding number of characters and holding the dictionary in the other hand to decrypt the powerful vocabulary. The South Christian from around 1960s, was what I could not relate to at all. It gave me gloomy feeling. The story hopped from one character's back story to the other. I tried hard to interpret the vocabulary contextually and to understand the characters' perspectives. Amusingly (and to my embarrassment), as soon as I switched to the consecutive paragraph, the previous one was wiped of from my memory. My patience couldn't survive for more than 52 pages, and I gave up. Not only me, I later heard from some other friends that they are also sailing in the same boat as me! May be one day my intellect would grow up and I would again open up this book to finish upto the last page.

Till then, all I can say is, there is a difference between what is the best and what is suited for you.

(PS: the reviews expressed here are based on my personal reading experience, and do not intend to defame, derate or degrade the sale or vice-versa for the book. I am not paid for writing the reviews.)
If you are an author and want your book to be reviewed, drop an email at

Friday 27 November 2015

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.
-Vincent Lombardi

Tuesday 24 November 2015

To Tweeples and Whatsapp-ians

Dear friends, friends of friends, and to whomsoever-it-is-concerned, you are likely to be fumed upon reading this post, but I don't mind telling what's on my mind. (Excuse me for the same)

The constant itch caused by a bunch of texts and tweets to me could only be healed by having my say on them. FYI, it ain't moral policing.

In the last few days, I had been observing that people puke anything and everything on social media. In other words, they blindly forward all they receive. How funny it was to read that don't watch the movies of Shahrukh and/ or Amir because they expressed their opinion on the intolerance topic? Guys, do you ever use your mind before forwarding mindless messages? I can't stop laughing at this. How many of those who forward all this, actually know what the root issue is all about?

If you are a Software Engineer like me, and you said something that offended me, then would I say that I will refrain from using the part of application that you have coded (in so-called protest)? Well, absolutely not, I would rather reprimand it the other way. If your Mom unwantedly adds some extra salt to your food one day, would you not eat any subsequent meal cooked by her? In the same way, acting is their business, and expressing opinion- an individual choice. A text message said, we have paid 4k crores to make their movies hit..... Astounded by what I read, I thought you didn't donate the money, it was in exchange of the entertainment that you sought. Ain't it? Negativity breeds negativity.

Flowing with the emotions or bluffing on look-I-am-so-conscious, we unabashedly forward it. On one hand you enjoy sending jokes / negative facts about the country, concluding how ill-fated you are to have been born here. On the other, you pretend to be aggressive on such issues, and be epitome of desh-bhakti. 
One such text stating ills of our country in a rather humorous way had a line- "is desh me pizza 30 minute me pahuch jaata hai magar ambulance nahi." I was awestrucked pondering what's the analogy between a pizza and an ambulance. If you are targeting the governance, then best to my understanding, pizza has nothing to do with the government except for taxes. I am not denying the fact, but the way it is shot to despise our country and government's public image. Neither do I understand where this content originates from and who is benifiting by fooling innocent message forwarders!

It is absolutely fine if you disagree on certain things, but remember: whatever you listen / read to is a perspective, not the truth.

Probably you too must have inferred by now that mass communication and media are the strongest means to form public opinion. How wonderfully does masscomm and media manipulate or highlight an entity / event/ person taking them to the zenith or drop them to their doom. They make for a massive machine to brainwash the human mind, or at the least make them think over and over. Ever wondered, where did the award waapsi and beef issues perish after the Bihar elections; why the Maggi-is-unsafe news popped and prevailed right on the time when Ramdev baba was to launch his own healthy-Maggi, and not in the last two decades; why is Indrani's husband Peter's arrest not as much on the news as it was for Indrani? It may be because now no one sees benefit by editing public opinion on these anymore.  Whenever there is big news in the media, look for the one they are trying to take you away from.

And, your job is to use a percent of the 3 pound organ that is present at the top of your body!

Simple as that?

And as, one of the forwarded text on my phone says-
सोच को बदलो सितारे बदल जाएंगे,
नज़र को बदलो नज़ारे बदल जाएंगे।
कश्तियां बदलने की ज़रूरत नहीं,
दिशाओं को बदलो किनारे बदल जाएंगे ।।
(Disclaimer: I am not paid to write this post. It is my personal view, and not intended to hurt/ defame/ derate any person, platform, nation, culture, political party, incidence or event. I do not mean to criticize or hurt either. Forgive me if it does.)