Friday 24 July 2015

Its the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.
-Paulo Coelho (Alchemist)

Monday 20 July 2015


एक बार एक साधु नदी किनारे जल ग्रहण कर रहा था| तभी उसने देखा के एक बिच्छु पानी में बह रहा है| साधु ने उसको बचाने कि अभिलाषा से अपने हाथों से उसे उठाने का प्रयत्न किया| ऐसा करने पर उस बिच्छु ने उसे काँट लिया| साधु ने उसे फिर से बचाने का प्रयत्न किया, किंतु पुन: बिच्छु ने उसे काँट लिया| यह क्रम सात बार चला| अंत में साधु उसे पानी से निकालने में सफल हुआ|

इस घटना को एक राहगीर देख रहा था| उसने साधु से उत्सुक्तावश प्रश्न किया- "जब बिच्छु आपको बार-बार काँट रहा था तो आपने उसे क्यूँ बचाया| " साधु ने मुस्कुराते हुए उत्तर दिया - "काँटना बिच्छु की प्रवृत्ति है और बचाना मेरी| यदि वह अपनी प्रवृत्ति नहीं त्याग सकता तो मैं अपनी प्रवृत्ति कैसे त्याग सकता हूँ|"

इस कथा से यह शिक्षण मिलता है की चाहे हमारे साथ कोई कैसा भी व्यवहार करे, हमे अपनी अच्छाई और सहजता नहीं छोड़ना चाहिए|

(This is the recollection of a story that I heard sometime back)

Saturday 18 July 2015

Movie Combo - Jurassic World, Baahubali, Bajrangi Bhaijaan

3 weekends.... 3 movies to die for....

Jurrasic World

For this chapter of the Jurassic series they wondered what to do, what to do. How about creating a whole new, super-scary species of dinosaur, containing DNA strands of dozens of creatures? When they hand you the 3-D glasses, check your brain at the door and pick it back on your way out.

Every moment takes your breath away and compels you to hold the seat tighter, as if you are the next munching for those grand artificially born dinosaurs (I'm unable to spell the clumsy names of the species), who they shall help themselves with! There's a lot of chasing and numerous last minute escapes from the treacherous dinosaurs by the lead actors on the screen. Amusingly, just one set of attires was worn by the cast throughout the plot!
Run faster...


The next in queue was the Telugu blockbuster, dubbed in Hindi for the rest of us. Keep aside the laws of physics, and soak yourself into the exemplary scenic creations of the magnificent Maahishmati kingdom, which existed supposedly ages back. 

With average dialogues and predictable historical fiction story- a clan struggling to crown their subsequent heir, and a lost son brought up by another mother who gives a powerful but ignorant come-back to rescue the kingdom and his mother of the prevailing evil, every glimpse of this costliest motion picture of the Indian history forces you to plunge not into "What next?", but "How next?". They have executed it so well, with the excellent actors of the century and the majestic shooting setups.
Jai Maahishmati

Bajrangi Bhaijaan.

Fans of Salman Khan had been awaiting this one since long. This is one of the best movies of Salman. I wonder, as and as he's getting older, he's been working hard and acting better than ever. It's always harmless to watch Salman Khan's movie- even if it is not good, you'll gain some of the hundreds of bucks out of the huge investment made to the ticket. Moreover, his are always clean and family-kinda movies! 

The story is one liner- "A noble devotee of Lord Hanuman is set to put his life at stake to help a mute Pakistani child get back to her home." For sure, none of the viewers was left with a dry eye and at the same time chuckles from time to time, by the end of film. And of course, the little girl succeeded in stealing hearts.
Jai Shree Ram

Well, indeed the three are poles apart in every aspect. But each of them deserve their share of Taaliyan aur Seetiyaan!

Friday 17 July 2015

If you expect the worst, the worst will happen. If you let things bother you, they will. But if you smile, you’ll feel better.  

Sunday 12 July 2015

कैमरा में खूबसूरत तस्वीरें कैद करने की ख़्वाहिश में हम उस पल की असल ख़ूबसूरती को आँखों और ज़हन में कैद करना भूल जाते हैं |

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Who are you?

I often see people alluding during social gatherings- 'What do you do?' Is it what we do for our living that defines and explains us. For some reason, we categorize and rank people by what they do, rather than what they are!

Your entire life journey including your upbringing, challenges, your hard learned lessons, your experiences, achievements and gifts, are all a series of footprints that have brought you to this very moment in time as you read these words.

Every single person we come across daily has a life story- a story which is unique but true. Your best friend has a story, your boss has his story, your maid has her own story, the hawker on the street has his story, the old lady in the garden has a story, the girl wiping her tears in the bus has her story, the young boy playing on the street has a story of his own. In that way there are 7 Billion Stories in the World.

People come in your life for a reason, some for short time and some for ever. Their stories and yours get inter woven when we come across. When you gleam into their lives, you will find a story like none another. Connecting to these can help us build amazing bonds called human relations!

I'd love to genuinely ask you these questions when we stumble upon-
  1. Who are you?
  2. What is your story?
  3. What is it that makes you smile?
  4. What do you dream of?
  5. And if you do not mind answering this one: who are you when no one's watching?

Tuesday 23 June 2015

18 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Was 18

  1. Read books voraciously, dive into them. We lose ourselves in good books, we find ourselves there too.
  2. Don’t be worried of what others think about you. Shoo away the fears and influence of peers. Run your own race.
  3. Dare to speak up. It’s either now or never. It’s not how much you speak, but how thoughtful you are.
  4. Opt for a career that not only suits you but also satisfies you. Visualize the future you. Set a goal for yourself now, or you shall have to accept whatever comes your way.
  5. Sit alone in silence for at least 10 minutes every day. You may be surprised to find what miracles loneliness brings.
  6. Start practicing yoga. It will aid to your spiritual, mental and physical well being.
  7. Ask the experienced rather than the experts. The latter keep guiding you to nowhere.
  8. Do not live to impress others, but for the sake of your own contentment. 
  9. Respect everyone, maintain your temper. Use your anger wisely; it can do miracles if guided in the right direction.
  10. Be a good listener. Understand people, and learn from each one who comes across. Be a keen observer. Every day comes with myriad experiences.
  11. You are born in the age of internet. Use it constructively; it is an ocean of knowledge. "Likes and Comments" will end you up in a shitty gutter.
  12. Commit yourself to make mistakes. If you never do it, you'll never be sure how it turns up. Moreover, whatever has to happen will happen regardless. Don't be scared of taking chances.
  13. Ask a lot of questions. It doesn't harm anyway. Apart from other obvious reasons, it is a good exercise for your brain!
  14. Being innocent is good, but only until they don’t mistake you for a fool. Begin to grow up; everyone else has.
  15. Never be upset with what others have and that you don’t. Make peace with what you have been bestowed with. Be patient, plenty of greener pastures await you.
  16. First learn what everyone else does, and then learn what no one else knows. There are 2 rules to success- 1) Never reveal to them everything you know. 2) Remember rule #1.
  17. The news reader is your friend; rest of the idiot box is your enemy.
  18. Accept and embrace change.
And above all, laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change.

Sunday 21 June 2015

Its The International Yoga Day

(This post is just a perspective over the current affairs of the country. It does not intend to harm or defame any person, religion, government or political party. I welcome and thank our government for the initiative to celebrate the International Yoga Day

Yoga, as they say is a part of the Indian heritage and culture, aids in spiritual, mental and physical well being. Before I write further, let me tell you that I myself practice yoga and attribute a lot of my good health to it. And, I am not a cornered critic of the government.

This Sunday morning, at Rajpath, New Delhi, as they say nearly 40k people piled up to perform yoga (by choice or otherwise), with our honorable PM ji. Does it sound like a coincidence when, on Doordarshan you hear the anchor's ending note - "21 exercises on 21st June for 40 minutes by 40 thousand people" ? Of course, it doesn't take a Vedic-era rocket scientist to understand that this day never had that much to do with yoga, but more of an attempt to get recorded into the Guinness Book. And I do not interpret how much amount they would have stolen from the tax payee's pocket to bear expenses of the Tee's and amenities for each of the participant at Rajpath.

Another disappointment comes from the thought- "Do only people of Delhi need to nurture their health?" To balance this, the news channels reported that the party's various leaders were canvassing, oops..... performing yoga with the crowds at several places across the country! Does it also dilute the Surya Namaskar controversy anyway?

But it makes me wonder why the government chose this one single day to celebrate the treasure of our ancestral art. After all, its not a festival to be celebrated, but a legacy to be carried along by practicing regularly with full devotion.

Its hard to imagine one dedicated day for launching a regular yoga drive. Just like no Valentine's day makes couples ignore each other's nose hair and fall deeper in love. Remember, they also rechristened 25th of December as Good Governance Day.

Why not propose to celebrate a few more such "days" in India and across the world, namely- International "no rape" day, International "don't poke your nose" day, International "dharna" day! I am sure I need not provide description to how each of these must be celebrated!

My verdict- A optimistic welcome this initiative. Hope it reaches one and all, across the world and brings applaud to our culture by providing good health to all.

Friday 19 June 2015


हर शख़्स अपना आशियां छोड़ आसमां में उड़ने की ख़्वाहिश रखता है, और परिंदे हैं जो आसमां में घरौंदे तलाश करते हैं |

Tuesday 16 June 2015

If you use it wisely and in the right direction, ANGER is the best weapon given to mankind by god

Tuesday 9 June 2015

इंसान तब समझदार नहीं होता जब वो बड़ी बड़ी बातें करने लगे, बल्कि तब समझदार होता है जब वो छोटी छोटी बातें समझने लगे |-anonymous

Sunday 7 June 2015

दर्जन भर कॉपियां

याद आया आज स्कूल वाला जून जुलाई का महीना,
ख़त्म होती थी जब गर्मी की छुट्टियां,
पापा के साथ लाते दर्जन भर कॉपियां,
लाते बड़े नाप की नयी नवेली यूनिफॉर्म |

नया बस्ता नयी बोतल,
कॉपियों के पसंदीदा लेबल,
चार रंगों वाला पेन और अप्सरा की पेंसिल,
बारिश में स्कूल जाने कि होती चहल पहल |

सौंधी सी नयी क़िताबो की महक,
दोस्तों से मिलने की अभिलाषा की चहक,
छुट्टियों के किस्सों वाली बातों की खनक,
नयी क्लास में साल बिताने की ललक |

स्कूल बस में साथियों का शोर,
 सुबह असेंबली में प्रार्थना कि कतार,
करते हर रोज़ रविवार का इंतज़ार,
देखते दूरदर्शन पर तरंग और चित्रहार ||

अब होता है हर महीना एक समान,
ना किताबें ना उनके लेबल,
बस कीबोर्ड पर दौड़ती उंगलियां और ऑफ़िस की टेबल,
ना बजती छुट्टी की घंटियाँ |

ना भोर कि ख़बर ना डूबते सूरज पर नज़र,
अब कब होती है सहर और ढलता है दिन किस पहर,
ना ख़ुशनुमा मौसम, ना त्यौहार सा रविवार,
ना यूनिट टेस्ट का भार, ना टीचर की डांट का शिकार ||

Sunday 31 May 2015

"It's never too late to be what you might have been."
– George Eliot

Sunday 17 May 2015

The Mantra

Reminders to stay optimistic:

  • “Anything is possible.”
  • “Lead a life of positivity.”
  • “The only thing I can control is my attitude towards life.”
  • “I always have a choice.”
  • “Even the longest journey begins with a single step.”
  • “I will look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism shine.”
Source- Internet

Friday 15 May 2015

An apology has three parts-
1. I am sorry.
2. It's my fault.
3. What can I do to make it right?
Most people forget the third part.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Sunday 26 April 2015

A Dozen Truths That Help You Grow

(This post is a compilation of self help material from across the web and some books that I read lately)

Many a times while you look back, you see a lot of failures, rejections, disappointments and situations that you couldn't control. For such times, you need to have faith that things will work out. Because sometimes the truths you can’t change, end up changing you and helping you grow.

1. Accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what will be.
Its crazy how you always end up in where you were destined to be. At first it may seem like you had to go through a series of compromises or heartbreaks and land up where you never wanted to. Remember, many times when things are falling apart, they are actually falling into place. And as the popular saying goes: whatever is happening to you right now is a result of the choices you made in the past.

2. Not until you are lost in this world can you begin to find your true self.
Instead of awaiting bigger pleasures, enjoy the little treasures that each day brings to you. If you decide to be happy, no one can stop you from doing so. Consistent resistance shall land you into nowhere. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.

3. It’s usually the deepest pain which empowers you to grow to your full potential.
Not until you encounter pain, you realize the worth of happiness. Not until you lose anything, you realize it importance. But remember, gain from the pain, learn from it and release it.  You cannot change what you refuse to confront. However, the contrary is also true - "Pain does not make you stronger, but you eventually get used to it."

4. The key to blend with people is to be like them.
Not everyone thinks the way you think, knows the things you know, believes the things you believe, nor acts the way you would act. Remember this and you will go a long way in getting along with people.

5. One of the greatest freedoms is truly not caring what everyone else thinks of you.
Please all and you please none. You cannot make everyone happy at the same time. As long as you are worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them. Only when you require no approval from outside yourself, can you own yourself. And remember the popular pun- "लोग हमारे बारे में क्या सोचते हैं अगर ये भी हम सोचेंगे तो फिर लोग क्या सोचेंगे" (If we wonder what people think of us, then what is left for the people to think!).

6. If it is so, it cannot be otherwise.
The more you can adapt to the situations in life, the more powerful your highs will be, and the more quickly you’ll be able to bounce back from the lows in your life. Put most simply: being at peace means being in a state of complete acceptance of all that is, right here, right now.

7. You have to take care of yourself first.
"You yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection" - Gautam Buddha.
Before befriending others, become your own friend. Before correcting others, you have to correct yourself. Before making others happy, you have to make yourself happy. It’s not called selfishness, it’s called personal development. Once you balance yourself, only then can you balance the world around you.

8. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.
Not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of good luck, because it forces you reevaluate things, opening new doors to opportunities and information you would have otherwise overlooked. Abundance is not about how much you have, it’s how you feel about what you have.

9. Yes, you have failed in the past.
If you are in an acceptance mode with whatever you encounter, you will be more satisfied than being otherwise. Don’t judge yourself by your past, you don’t live there anymore. Just because you’re not where you want to be today doesn’t mean you won’t be there someday. Do what you can with what you have and where you are.

10. Everything is going to be alright; maybe not today, but eventually.
An anonymous quote on the web says- "Everything will be okay in the end. If its not okay, its not the end."
There are times when you are occupied with the feeling that everything is going wrong and will remain to stay the same for eternity. For once only, look at the underprivileged ones. Ain't you better? Keep reciting to yourself- "अंधेरों पर उजालो का असर बाकी है, सुबह होने में थोड़ी सी कसर अभी बाकि है" (The brightness is yet to overcome darkness, there is a little time left for the dawn to begin)

11. Laugh at yourself.
What can be more beautiful than bringing smile to someone's face at least once a day. It is easier to laugh at people, how about trying a healthy joke on oneself. Laughter is infectious, and even more than that, it is good for health. It is not a sin to be happy, and not a virtue to be sad. 

Lastly, as they say- "Smile a while and while you smile, the whole world smiles with you".

12. Nobody else can do it for you.
Keep doing what you know in your heart is right for YOU. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words. Live by choice, not by chance. Make changes, not excuses. Be motivated, not manipulated. Work to excel, not compete. Choose to listen to your inner voice, not the jumbled opinions of everyone else. It’s your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

Saturday 25 April 2015

Life has two rules-
1. Never quit.
2. Remember rule No.1


Saturday 11 April 2015

"The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."
-Chanakya's Chant

Monday 6 April 2015


इस कदर लोगो को हँसाना मेरी आदत ना समझो,
हर क़दम रिश्ते बनाने की इसे शिद्दत ना समझो |

खुदगर्ज़ी है मेरी और मुझे खुदगर्ज़ समझो,
मेरे जनाज़े में चलने वालो की तादात बढ़ाने की कोशिश समझो ।|

Friday 3 April 2015

If you don't know where you are going, you will end up somewhere else.

Sunday 29 March 2015

ना सोचा है

किस ओर चलूं ना सोचा है,
किस ठोर थमु ना सोचा है,

चलते रहूँ या राह चुनूं,
मंज़िल कि तलाश करूँ,
या खड़ी रहूँ चौराहों पे,
किस ओर बढ़ूँ ना सोचा है |

आसमां को भर लूँ मुट्ठी में,
या छोड़ दूँ खुली हाथ कि लकीरों को,
ज़िद करूँ क्या लड़ने कि,
क्या हाल चुनूं ना सोचा है | 

दिल तोड़ चलूँ या मन जोड़ चलूँ,
रुख मोड़ चलूँ या जग छोड़ चलूँ,
दो कदम चलूँ या दौड़ चलूँ,
या ख्वाब चुनूं ना सोचा है ||

Saturday 28 March 2015

Everything that happens once can never happen again, but everything that happens twice will surely happen  a third time.
-Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist)

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to make us or break us, the choice is ours whether we become victims or victorious.

Thursday 12 March 2015

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
- Harriet Tubman

Monday 9 March 2015

"Everyone you will ever meet, knows something you don't"

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the ones you did. (Mark Twain)

Sunday 22 February 2015

My Hobby is..?

A person must possess at the least three kinds of hobbies. Opt them as per your interest and choice.

1) The one that fetches you money and satisfaction. This should help you earn a living.

2) The one that lets you stay in the right shape, i.e., exercising, swimming, yoga etc.

3) The one that is driven by your instinct towards arts, like reading, writing, painting, etc.

Saturday 21 February 2015

"Anger is easier than apology."

-The Mistress of Spices

Thursday 19 February 2015

"There's no point in consistently worrying about everything,
What will happen will happen regardless.
So breathe, look on the bright side,
have laughs, accept what you can't change,
and carry on. To actually live is courageous.
Most people exist, that is all."

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Monday 16 February 2015

Get Lost!

One day as you sit there alone, people weeping in front of that defunct body of yours, and you silently watching it all. That one day you may turn around and regret as you look at the past, better called your LIFE- as empty as a tunnel.

Even if only for once, get lost for a day!

Perhaps the thought of getting lost scares you, the fear of the unknown, the scare of leaving your comfort zone, or even more?
Imagine a time when you have reached a place where every face is unknown, you have no gadgets, no GPS, no phone calls to make, no knowledge of the local language. Your mind is all blank about what's next? This is called getting lost - physically as well as mentally.

But why get lost at all! ? Getting lost would imply treading a path that you have never wondered about, getting to discover something new for yourself, with no one to drive your paths but only you. This may pull you back initially, but gradually it shall give your conscience extreme contentedness.

Columbus discovered America only after getting lost while searching for India. See what magic getting lost has done.

Mentally and spiritually, it is a rare opportunity of discovering your inner self, your strengths and weaknesses, you aspirations and desires, to break all the shackles and boundaries, cross the limits and experience liberty.

Even if you get stuck in the maze, you still have ample of opportunities to learn on every turn you make. Nevertheless, you are lost and there's no one to nag at you taking the wrong or right turn.

If you have lost everything then only you are free to do anything. 

Saturday 14 February 2015

If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.

Saturday 31 January 2015

You who have slept under ceilings painted by others, know not the grandeur of the starry skies.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

मुझे ज़िन्दगी की सच्चाई तब पता चली जब रास्ते में पड़े फूलों ने कहा, दूसरों को ख़ुशबू देने वाले अक्सर यूँ ही कुचले जाते है।

Thursday 22 January 2015

Put yourself in others' shoes, if it hurts you it probably hurts them too.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

दूसरों को हैं जानते मगर खुद को पहचाना नहीं,
छोटी सी है बात मगर सबने इसे माना नहीं ।
- Source: Kavi sammelan (Youtube)

Monday 19 January 2015

I am..

They call me elegant, they call me pretty,
They call me canny, they call me witty,
I tell I do not fit that fashion model's size,
They say I am telling lies,
The curve of my waist and the bulk of my hips,
The charm on my cheek and the towing gravity of my eyes,
This is all that appeals the world's fancies,
I am exceptionally a woman, or merely a woman.

I walk into the room, just as cool as you please,
I have the tolerance to bear the obnoxious blames,
I have the valor to invade their reins,
I have my stand, and I seldom bend,
I never weep in the solitude, unlike the trend,
My power is exceptional, that's how I am rational,
I am exceptionally a woman, or merely a woman.

Saturday 17 January 2015

On the Street

(This is purely a fiction)
The morning sun had just started beaming and emitting soothing warmth. It was a Sunday morning in January. The dew drops were almost dry by now.

It was a crowded street. The air was dusty, since the sweeper hadn't finished sweeping the street yet. I was 8 and was accompanied by my father, who held my hand and we started to walk upwards the slant unpaved narrow lane. At the origin of the lane was a Hanuman temple. The gentle sound of the priest chanting morning prayers and ringing of bells alongside by the devotees waned as we distanced from the temple. 

The lane was occupied on both sides by vegetable vendors. Some were sprinkling water on their vegetables to keep them afresh. The water that fell on the floor produced a soft fragrance of the soil. The smell of onions and garlic was spread across. The vendors were cited repeating with ardor, rates of the vegetables they had for sale. The intermediate voice of the weighing scales and their weights was inter mingled with theirs.

People kept rushing across in the wee hour of the morning, and some others stopped to buy the vegetables.

The jingle of an old lady vendor's green glass bangles over her sagged skin was apparent, while she was arguing with one of the buyers who seemed to be bargaining the rates. Another vendor was shooing away a brown cow which was trying to satisfy its appetite with the leafy vegetables he kept for sale.

As we moved ahead, three children nearly 5-6 years old, were running haphazardly quarreling over a blue paper kite, and occupied most part of the lane. I incidentally stepped into a puddle of mud that appeared from the middle of nowhere!

As their voice faded, we came close to a shop that served snacks. I could sniff the fragrance of fresh samosas being fried. It was a small shop, with discolored walls, a cook busy frying samosas in a black kadhai (utensil) and piling them onto the giant plate to his right. Another one was preparing tea, letting the tea to drop from a height back to the vessel to add flavor. Four or five men were chit-chatting while being seated on brown colored stools kept out there, sipping their tea and eating the samosas. For the time until we walked past the shop, the heat of the stove helped us feel warm on that chilly winter morning. A few feet away, the cool breeze could be felt again. We returned home after buying our vegetables. 

If observed closely, this busy street wraps a whole town in itself. 

Thursday 15 January 2015

Once upon a time your biggest troubles were a lost eraser or a broken pencil. Hence, it's you yourself who has magnified your troubles. 

Monday 12 January 2015

तेरे गिरने में तेरी हार नहीं, क्योंकि तू आदमी है अवतार नहीं।

Sunday 11 January 2015

A wise man talks because he has something to say; a fool talks because he has to say something.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass ... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Saturday 10 January 2015

Thursday 8 January 2015

Lakhs of matchsticks can be made out of one tree, but only one matchstick is enough to ignite lakhs of trees (rest is self explanatory)

Wednesday 7 January 2015

The greatest pleasure is in doing what other people say you can't.


Saturday 3 January 2015

ना सीखी होशियारी...

होशियारी मिलती नहीं बाज़ार में,
समझदारी बिकती नहीं दुकान पे,
मिले ग़र दुनियादारी का ठेकेदार,
हम होंगे उसके पहले खरीददार|

Friday 2 January 2015

Make Space for Negativity

Since the advent of my website, or since I read Rhonda Bryne's The Secret, I had been writing much about positiveness.

Well, its the time for me to say a partial NO to this thought. This does not imply I myself am turning negative. But I discovered lately that injecting too many positive thoughts onto yourself, at times, can be suffocating. They may not match with the reality and can be illusionary.

Although, thinking about only the negative aspects can lead to discontentment. Nevertheless, these aspects may inspire us to attain the unattainable, or at least accepting the situations as they are. In such case, we may need to break the emotional barrier and think the other way round, or look for the probable solutions instead of believing that merely a positive mindset can act as the ultimate magician.

The key is, not to loose hope (remember, as they say, hope can move mountains) but to maintain a balance between possibilities and positivities!

Thursday 1 January 2015

नव वर्ष की शुभकामनाएँ

साल तो बहुत आए बहुत गए,
आशा है ये साल बीते हुए हर साल से खूबसूरत हो जाए,
लिए सभी के प्रति सौहाद्र और सुकून कि भावनाएँ |

सबका जीवन बेहतर स्वास्थ्य और हर्ष से भर आए,
पूर्ण हो हर जन की मनोकामनाएँ,
नव वर्ष की सबको शुभकामनाएँ |